The applied 数学 minor is designed to provide students with a strong background in the areas of 数学 that are critical for addressing both the theoretical 和 practical aspects of real-world problems that arise in a wide range of applications 和 disciplines.
We are proud to offer a unique environment to 学习 the fascinating sounds 和 script of the 阿拉伯语 language 和 the beauty of its 文学 和 艺术 和 get acquainted with the warmth 和 generosity of Arab 文化s. 信誉最好的网投十大平台提供正式的阿拉伯语辅修课程,阿拉伯语课程可以计入语言和文化研究的B计划专业, 辅修或主修中东研究,主修国际研究、非洲研究和全球研究.
Biologists look at the marvels of the living natural world; they study LIFE. 我们在生物学中遇到的是几十亿年前开始的事件的持续后果, 产生能够忠实地复制自己的简单生命形式的. 我们今天所认识的许多生命形式就是从这个起源进化而来的.
The 加勒比研究中心 explores 和 celebrates the distinctive Caribbean character of the city of 哈特福德 和 the influence of Caribbean civilization on 当代 文化s around the world.
如果你问这样的问题:“我们如何挑战社会不平等?或者“像我这样的人能做些什么来改变世界??,那么你就很适合社区行动项目. The 社区行动 Gateway offers first-year 信誉最好的网投十大平台 students the opportunity to engage with the City of 哈特福德 through 社区-based research 和 社会变革 projects. 社区行动辅修课程旨在让学生参与解决公民意义的学术和实践工作, 民主, 以及本地和全球的社区.
学生, 教师, 和 哈特福德-area 社区 组织 come together in col劳动ative p艺术nerships to carry out projects that both strengthen student 学习 和 benefit the 社区. 每个项目都是学术课程的一部分,并以社区和学生伙伴之间互惠和相互尊重的原则为指导.
计算机科学是当今最令人兴奋和发展最快的领域之一. We are dedicated to providing an 教育 based on the development of the fundamental logic 和 reasoning 技能 和 computational problem-solving 技能 that will prepare you for a lifetime of 学习.
一个多世纪以来, 信誉最好的网投十大平台在文科背景下提供了严格的工程课程. 信誉最好的网投十大平台是为数不多的提供两种工程学位途径的文理学院之一:理科学士学位, 经工程评审委员会认可 教唆,并获得工程科学学士学位. 三位一体工程专业培养扎实的数学背景, 物理科学, 和 工程 science 和 design; as well as substantial study in the 艺术s, 人文学科, 以及社会科学. 集中在电气,机械,生物医学和计算机工程.
三位一体创业是:一种涉及批判性分析的思维方式, 创造性地解决问题, 知识, 想象力, 灵活性, 承担风险, innovating 和 persistence; a way of using 知识 和 theory to address real world problems; 和 a practical pursuit that transforms an innovation into a sustainable enterprise.
信誉最好的网投十大平台创业学院由信誉最好的网投十大平台创业中心领导, 为有兴趣培养创新思维和学习企业家精神的学生提供资源和支持. 它提供讲习班, 网络事件, 比赛, 指导, 证书, 和资金, 无论是在校园还是在哈特福德市中心的三一创新中心.
我们是一个由敬业的教师和学者组成的小团队,随时准备帮助您提高德语技能. Together we explore 德国 文学 — in original 德国 和 in translation — 和 study a broad array of subjects in which the influences 和 contributions of 德国-speaking 人s are evident.
The 人文门户计划 engages outst和ing students in a comprehensive examination of European 文化s through integrated interdisciplinary study of their histories, 文献, 以及宗教和哲学思想, 从古典到现在.
信誉最好的网投十大平台创新中心是一个13,000平方英尺的专用教育, 培训, 以及俯瞰哈特福德市中心宪法广场的活动设施. 一个充满活力的中心事件, 教室, 以及网络空间, 在哈特福德,三一创新中心是一个聚会的地方, 学习, 经验, 和成长. 位于宪法广场一号的三楼, the I-Hub houses programming for Trinity’s p艺术nership with Infosys; the 文科行动实验室 – Trinity’s 社区 impact initiative in p艺术nership with Capital Community College; as well as new innovation 和 entrepreneurship programming for our students under our Entrepreneurship Center.
The 跨学科科学项目 (ISP) is an innovative academic program designed to broaden 和 enrich the study of science 和 数学 by exploring the links between the scientific disciplines 和 their connection with the external world. 由生物系教员设计, 化学, 计算机科学, 工程, 环境科学, 数学, 神经科学, 和物理, ISP的核心包括研讨会和研究学徒, 都是第一年, 以及一门研究科学与社会相互作用的课程, 通常在二年级.
犹太研究是一个多学科, 在学院范围内研究犹太文明的许多历史和地理表现. The scope of the Jewish studies curriculum covers Jewish civilization from its ancient Near Eastern origins through its 当代 历史 和 文化 in Israel 和 the diaspora communities around the world. 这是一个世俗的,学术的项目,具有多样性,跨文化的重点.
The legal studies minor introduces students to the complex ways in which 法律 shapes 和 structures 社会 和 经济 机构 from the vantage point of several different disciplines.
The 数学 major is designed around a core of required courses that provides a strong foundation in both computational 和 theoretical 数学 as well as electives from both pure 和 applied 数学.
信誉最好的网投十大平台's 心理学 Dep艺术ment is large enough to offer its students a wide range of courses - from 神经科学 to clinical psychology - yet small enough to allow undergraduates to pursue their own research interests or 工作 with our 教师 on their research projects.
Aetna量化中心在下午和晚上都有辅导时间, 当学生在微积分方面可以从同伴导师那里得到帮助时, 统计数据, 大学代数, 以及其他数学相关的课程. We 工作 col劳动atively with the 数学 Dep艺术ment to provide support for Trinity students enrolled in 数学 courses as well as a full-semester QLIT 101 course taught by Quantitative Center 教师 for those students required to take it.
The interdisciplinary minor in 城市中国研究 helps students underst和 the diverse drivers 和 complex consequences of transformative urban development in China from historical, 当代, 以及跨学科的观点.
妇女项目, 性别, 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》利用文科和理科来研究与性别和性有关的广泛话题, 包括女性在不同历史时期和文化中的不同经历, as well as their contributions to 文化 in all its forms; the relationship among sex, 性别, 和 sexuality; lesbian, 同性恋, 跨性别亚文化, 和 their histories 和 政治; 和 the institutional 和 discursive regulation of 性别 和 sexuality.
The research on the red-eared slider turtle was based on a senior thesis that Eleanor Tate ’21 wrote during her time at Trinity under the 指导 of Associate Professor of 环境科学 和 生物学 Amber L. 皮特.
The Manuel 和 Maria Luisa Lopes Borges 招生 Center was dedicated following a $10 million gift made by the Borges family to establish a financial aid endowment that would ensure future generations would have access to a Trinity 教育.
50多年了, the opportunity to study at the 信誉最好的网投十大平台 Rome Campus on Aventine Hill has led students to immerse themselves in the 文化 和 language of Italy 和 to do so from the comfort of a ‘home away from home.信誉最好的网投十大平台最古老的全球学习项目在罗马举行了周年庆典.